A blog about life, God and BEing our best self.
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The truth of the matter is, I don’t know how to love through the anger. After so long, it doesn’t even feel like anger anymore
This might sound a little morbid, but I sometimes think about the speeches that would be said at funerals. Whether that be mine or a loved one, I wonder who would speak and what would be said.
Maybe we think “I love this person, but I’d love them even more if they changed this one thing” or “I love them unconditionally, but I wish this one thing was different.” But what if they don’t change? What if the one thing you wish was different about the person you love never changes? Will you still love them?
We have tunnel vision for the problems ahead of our day that maybe haven’t even happened yet, but there’s always something to worry about, right?
I have no doubt that 2022 will be anything short of a rollercoaster, but at least I’m not alone. That’s the beauty of it. We have the choice to see that.
How does salt lose it’s saltiness when it is, by definition, salt? When you’re cooking, it’s easy to tell when something is over salted. You can taste it. In life, it’s a little bit more difficult.
The Lord is steadfast. He is immovable, and given that we’re living in a world that changes every 2 seconds, putting my trust in something so unshakeable feels like the only good news out there.
God is a seed of grace. Once it’s planted and you allow the roots to grow deep in the dirt, the wind can’t blow you away.

This blog is about our lives. No sunset is the same, and neither are we … that’s what makes life beautiful.
today’s forecast
I’ve made a few new year’s resolutions, though none too big that I can’t keep up with. One of them was to choose a word of the year and really reflect and build on it for all 365 days of the year, not too big, right? The problem here is that unless I build out a plan for myself, I won’t think about my word again until it’s time to choose a new one for 2024 … so here we go, back to writing my blog.