Post 23: a new year of life


In honor of the new year, I thought it was only fair to update my loyal fans on what happens in my head from time to time, again.

I’ve made a few resolutions, though none too big that I can’t keep up with. One of them was to choose a word of the year and really reflect and build on it for all 365 days of the year, not too big, right? The problem here is that unless I build out a plan for myself, I won’t think about my word again until it’s time to choose a new one for 2024 … so here we go, back to writing my blog.

My word for the year of 2023 is life.

Now, given how broad this word is, there’s quite a bit of room for interpretation, so I took a look at 2 different dictionaries … Merriam-Webster’s and the Lord’s.

Merriam-Webster’s definition of life: the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

For the Lord’s definition of life I’m looking at John 1:3-5: Through him all things were made, without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

What’s different about these is that one gives how to live … and it’s through Christ, who all things are made. If I focus on living in and through Christ, by definition, I’ll be living.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that my way of life without Jesus as the forefront is intolerable and impossible. When I stray from focusing on him, I feel it. Isn’t that wild? He’s a funny man … and he knows exactly what he’s doing. I’ll give him that.

My life lately has been full of worry and anxiousness. When I leave home, I’m running through my mind to make sure Macie can’t get into anything. Did I turn the stove off? Is the AC turned up? I’ve worried myself so much that on multiple occasions I’ve turned back to go check, and would you like to know what happened? I realized I was worried for nothing. Everything was fine and in its place and I woke Macie up from a nap. All because I didn’t trust Him enough.

That worry is a seed. and it’s only going to grow if I don’t chop it at the roots.

I say all this to say, this worry and anxiousness has been affecting my life. I can feel the seed growing. I’ve been praying for help, and writing about it is exactly what I need in 2023. So, like it or not, grab your coffee and buckle up. Lo & behold … she’s back.


Post 22: your joke isn’t funny