Post 18: God’s true colors


A few weeks ago I was asked the question “if I were to ask your closest friends and family what makes you happy, what would it be? What is that thing that gives you butterflies?”

The truth is, I wasn’t sure how to answer this question. I had to take a second to think about it because I had absolutely no idea. What makes me smile and feel whole? I couldn’t answer the question honestly on the spot, because I really had to think about it.

Here I am weeks later, and I think I finally found my answer.

There’s this feeling I get when the weather is warm enough that you don’t need a jacket to be outside and not hot enough that you’re sweating after 2 minutes of being in the sun. There’s warmth and comfort and if you dig a little deeper it feels like everything is possible.

Last Tuesday was a perfect day, if that kind of thing exists. I was laying on a blanket in the warm sun at Zilker with my dog and a good romance book. The breeze was blowing enough to not let the sun get you too hot and there weren’t so many people out that made it necessary to put headphones in to focus. There were dogs running around meeting new friends, lovers on blankets enjoying each others company and groups of guys running around with a football.

It was so relaxing I kept closing my book just soak it all in. The warmth, the breeze, the sounds of people enjoying their Tuesday afternoon and living their lives. It was a feeling I wanted to bottle up and keep forever. There is so much the world had to offer, but we don’t always see those possibilities.

We see what’s in front of us. We have tunnel vision for the problems ahead of our day that maybe haven’t even happened yet, but there’s always something to worry about, right?


I’m trying to teach myself to allow room for possibilities. If I tell God exactly what I want, think, and feel, then great. I’m doing my part. But we also have to remember to leave room for His will. What we want is not always what’s meant for us. The boy we thought we were in love with? They aren’t in your life anymore for a reason, God shows us everyones true colors eventually, we just have to be strong enough to allow ourselves to see them.

Our Father is faithful. He doesn’t leave anything up to chance, He makes things happen. He brings so much goodness into our lives, but we also have to choose to see it.

What are you choosing to see this week?


Post 19: things we love to hate


Post 17.5: little moments