Post 05: follow the peace


I’m a big believer in what you put into your mind is what you get out. If all you watch is the news, you’re probably only hearing about crime, death and politics. If you only eat fast food you probably won’t feel sustained for long. What we put into our minds and bodies takes energy, so why should we start the day without something positive setting the tone?

Every morning before work, I listen to different podcasts; some comedic and others religious. One of my top favorites is Sadie Robertson’s called Whoa That’s Good. She talks about relationships, life and God’s role in all of it. She also interviews tons of people to get their perspectives - from authors to doctors to pastors. The part that always catches my attention is when she asks each guest the same question:

“What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?”

Think about that for a sec. Can you pinpoint what your response would be? because I couldn’t. I’ve listened to this show for almost a year, so I’ve had a while to think, and I’m finally able to answer this question confidently.

Previously, the piece of advice that had always come to mind was from a family member I’m very close to, so it seemed pretty liable at the time. They said “When something is going good, it’s probably too good to be true,” and even as I’m writing this, I’m realizing the damage it’s done throughout my life. It wasn’t meant to be advice to carry with me forever, but it certainly stuck in my head.

I’ve realized that I’m constantly living like the other shoe is about to drop. Like if I say how amazing something is going, I’m going to jinx it. If I get too excited, it’s only a matter of time before I’m let down. It feels like there’s always something holding me back from enjoying the joy in my life … and it was me.

Now, fast forward through years of self sabotage and we get to a FaceTime call I had with one of my best friends. She’s one of those people you feel like you can see God through … which makes her the best kind of person to give advice. I don’t remember what the conversation had been about, but knowing me, I was probably asking about a guy I was interested in at the time. I remember her repeating something she had heard from a friend and that was to follow the peace.

What does that even mean? You’re basically telling me all I have to do is trust my gut? Trust the gut that’s been telling me not to jinx myself? What about the other shoe? No way.

Turns out … she wasn’t wrong. Following the peace is a lot simpler than I could’ve expected. Many situations in life tends to bring unwanted stress or anxiety, but God always gives us options that settle our minds (at least eventually). We know when something doesn’t feel quite right. You get that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. It’s like living the cliché angel and devil sitting on your shoulder. Which one are you going to pick? The devil works hard, I’ll give him that, but God works SO much harder. He gives us the answer in plain sight. What makes you feel the lightest? Peace.


Post 06: love is learning


Post 04: wavering faith